Sprite 1984 - 1993
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C/C++ Source or Header
103 lines
Convert TeX DOC files to TeX STY files for faster loading.
Tony Li
Copyright (c) 1986
University of Southern California
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define STRLEN 256
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK 2
#define COMMENT '%'
#define SP ' '
#define NL '\n'
#define CR '\r'
#define THRESH 79
#define SAVECHAR {buf[linelen++] = ch;}
#define TESTBUF {if (linelen > THRESH) dumpline(out);}
char buf [STRLEN];
int linelen = 0;
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char dest[STRLEN];
FILE *in, *out;
int state, ret;
char ch;
strcpy (dest, argv[1]);
strcat (argv[1], ".doc");
strcat (dest, ".sty");
in = fopen (argv[1], "r");
#ifdef vms
out = fopen (dest, "w", "rfm=var", "rat=cr");
#ifdef unix
out = fopen (dest, "w");
state = WHITE;
while ((ch = getc(in)) != EOF) {
if (ch == COMMENT) /* If its a comment, read the rest. */
while ((ch = getc (in)) != EOF && ch != NL);
if (isspace (ch)) { /* If its blank then */
if (state == BLACK) { /* if we haven't seen a space then */
ch = SP;
TESTBUF; /* put it out */
SAVECHAR; /* and append a space */
state = WHITE; /* and we've seen a space */
} /* otherwise, ignore */
else { /* its a char */
SAVECHAR; /* save it */
state = BLACK; /* we saw it */
emptybuf (out);
fclose (in);
fclose (out);
dumpline (out) /* Figure out where to dump the buffer. */
FILE *out; /* Invariant: linelen points past the */
{ /* end, so you can always put a NULL there. */
char *pt, *st;
buf[linelen] = NULL; /* Terminate the string */
pt = &buf[linelen - 1]; /* Point to the char before */
st = &buf[0]; /* Point to the start */
while (!isspace(*pt) && pt > st)
pt--; /* Run back until a space */
if (pt == st) { /* Theres no middle space */
fputs (st, out); /* Put it out */
fputc (NL, out); /* Make it a line */
linelen = 0; /* No chars left */
else {
*pt = NULL; /* End the string */
fputs (st, out); /* Put it out */
fputc (NL, out); /* Make it a line */
pt++; /* Point to the remaining string */
while (*pt) *st++ = *pt++; /* Copy the string */
*st = NULL; /* Terminate it */
linelen = strlen (buf); /* Figure the new length */
emptybuf (out) /* Clear the buffer */
FILE *out;
buf[linelen] = NULL; /* Terminate it */
fputs (buf, out); /* Put it out */
fputc (NL, out); /* Make it a line */